BSE Business Partners

We LOVE our Business Partners!

Bartram Springs Elementary
               Every School. Every Classroom. Every Student. Every Day.


Home of the "Eagles"!
14799 Bartram Springs Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32258
Office: (904) 260-5860 | Fax: (904) 260-5868


The Bartram Springs Elementary School Family is honored that you are considering partnering with us. BSE "Businesses that care" is designed to build your business while offering a fundraising opportunity for Bartram Springs Elementary. In a variety of ways we can help support each other in the spirit of community.

As one of the top elementary schools in the Duval County School District, we offer an opportunity to reach approximately 928 students representing over 550 families in a personal and professional way.  Our mission is to grow our community together.  Below is a detailed list of ways you may partner with us.

Thank you for your time and consideration!!

Liberty Hancock - Business Partner Coordinator

Bartram Springs Elementary
Every School. Every Classroom. Every Student. Every Day.

Sponsorship Bundles
Platinum Eagle - $500
1.  Business listing on our school website under PTA Business Partners.
2.  Recognition "Spotlight" in our PTA newsletter.
3.  Business listing link on our Blog/Facebook page.
4.  Booth at two (2) PTA sponsored events.
5.  Banner displayed on fence in front of the school for the entire school year.
Gold Eagle - $250
1.  Business listing on our school website under PTA Business Partners.
2.  Recognition "Spotlight" in our PTA newsletter.
3.  Business listing link on our Blog/Facebook page.
4.  Booth at one (1) PTA sponsored events.
Silver Eagle - $100
1.  Business listing on our school website under PTA Business Partners.
2.  Recognition "Spotlight" in our PTA newsletter.
3.  Business listing link on our Blog/Facebook page.

PTA Business Membership:  $50.00

Sponsor a Bartram Springs Event

Your business name and/or logo will be the highlighted advertisement included in all printed material for the event and web promotions. You will have an opportunity to set up a table at the event to promote your business and have an opportunity to give away special items to students. Please note, Platinum level business partners will be able to set up a table to pass out literature.

Tears and Cheers Breakfast, August 15: $300
Fall Book Fair, September 26th - 30th:  $150
Walk to School Day, October 5th:  $50
Fun Run Kick Off, October 11th:  $100
Family Fitness Night, October:  $400
Fun Run, October 20th:  $250
Red Ribbon Week, October 23rd - 31st: $100
Movie Night, November 10th: $400
Talent Show, December 2nd:  $300
Winter Story Night, January 26th:  $500
Valentine Dance, February 10th:  $300
Spring Book Fair, Week of March 6th-10th: $150
Donuts with Dad, March 15th: $300
Spring Carnival, April 21st:  $500
Muffins with Mom, May 3rd: $300
Staff Appreciation Week, May 8th  12th (5 days to choose) $250/day
Literacy Week, Date TBD  $1,000
PTA Membership Breakfast, Date TBD  $500
Volunteer Luncheon, Date TBD:  $500
Band/Corus Concerts, Date TDB: $300 each

*all dates are subject to change*

Thank you again for your interest in the future of our children and families at Bartram Springs Elementary. We appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to working with you.